SEATTLE, WA — ABC KOMO news channel 4’s Kathi Goertzen has been a long time fixture of the Seattle news media ever since her arrival in covering the police SWAT team shooting death of an Aryan man on Whidbey Island… her very first assignment.
An assignment witnessing the death of an Aryan man who was unaware Jews who control the state were targeting him for death – by fellow Aryan’s in the SWAT team, a premeditated precursor of things to come for Kathi Goertzen [Aryan] according to John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a longtime High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry.
Dixon explained how his family is friends with the majority of the local Seattle news media through his uncle, Kirkland police officer Bauer Dixon, who deals Child Pornography to almost all of them, but are exceptionally close to Kathi Goertzen for whom they consider family.
Dixon said one night around 1995 Kathi Goertzen attended one of his birthday dinners at the local Red Lobster restaurant while helping him celebrate. Dixon said she was sitting at the same table along with his parents, Tom and Judy Dixon, as well as his uncle, Kirkland police officer Bauer Dixon, who also brought two young underage girls along with him.
Dixon said as they were finishing dinner his uncle, Kirkland police officer Bauer Dixon, a 33 degree Freemason, and the largest dealer of Child Porn on the west coast, passed him a present in a gift wrapped box with ribbon running up all four sides, and a bow on top that had a removable lid that did not damage the ribbon when removed.

Dixon said there was a great deal of anticipation as he effortlessly removed the lid revealing Child Pornography images sitting right on top in plain sight. As he dug further under the tissue paper he located a CD containing more illegal images of “sample sets” that could be purchased from his uncle for about $40 each, or about a dollar a picture, if he so chose his uncle would later explain to him.
But at this point, Dixon said he had never seen Child Pornography before nor was aware that his uncle was the largest dealer of Child Pornography on the west coast, and at first thought it was a joke, but as he looked around the table to gauge the reaction from his family, Kathi Goertzen gave him a “wink and a smile” right in front of his parents and the two minor girls sitting in attendance, letting him know it was all legitimate, and could keep the images.
Dixon said later, as they were gathering to leave the Red Lobster, Kathi Goertzen came up to him, smiled, and told him, “enjoy it.”

A Man for All Seasons