Democrats Secretly Pushed for Illegal Abortion to Nullify US Supreme Court April 30, 2023 The Left is seeking to delegitimize the conservative Judiciary – Ruling abortion illegal was all part of a deep state strategy. “Democrats see the…
Biden’s Pedophilic Symbology May 31, 2022 Joe Biden is a rampant pedophile who likes using secret symbology to let others know. Biden has never met a child he didn’t like….
5 Cryptos Survive Fiat Currency Crash September 30, 2021 Source claims elite plan to ‘hack’ all but only 5 crypto currencies, which will be insurable from hackers via transfer to world currency after…
Jews Secretly Call Biden ‘White Trash’ April 30, 2021 Behind the scenes Leftist Jews reveal how truly they despise Biden According to John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High School friend and…
Merrick Garland Jewish Bloodline Connection to Walt Disney, Theodor Herzl and Adam Schiff February 28, 2021 Mr. false flag (MG) is closely related to Jews Walt Disney, Zionist Theodor Herzl, and Marxist congressman Adam Schiff – All of the same…
Jewish and Masonic RINO Republicans December 31, 2020 Republicans in name only, are secretly working with democrats under a common agenda to depopulate the planet and bring about a New World Order…
Jewish US Governors 2020 November 30, 2020 Below is a list of Jewish and Masonic Governors running the States – According to John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High…
Biden, Harris, China, Aryan Genocide October 22, 2020 The Deep State is using democratic patsy political candidates and communist China in attempt to create a New World Order – Joe Biden is…
Jewish and Masonic Supreme Court Justices 2020 September 30, 2020 The current Supreme Court consists only of Jewish and Masonic Justices (Neanderthals) without any representation for the majority Aryan (Cro-Magnon) population – Lack of…
Jewish US Congressmen 2020 July 31, 2020 Jews have total control of the US Congress, and half the Senate, while claiming only 2% of the National population – The Deep State…
Wizard of CHAZ: Emerald City Mayor’s Yellow Brick Road Leads to Depopulation June 30, 2020 Jewish Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has Deep State bloodline ties to top Satanists pulling levers to destroy America and its patriotic past – Agenda…
Disney Coup: Jewish Whistleblower Attorney Mark Zaid Related to Adam Schiff November 30, 2019 It appears that Mark Zaid directly descends from Adam Schiff’s Jewish Disney family bloodline – The impeachment show trial currently taking place against president…
Sen Chuck Schumer’s Tranny Wife October 31, 2019 Reportedly, Senator Schumer fell in love with a Jewish transsexual woman named Iris Weinshall, whom he later married. Sen Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader…
Disney’s Shifty Adam Schiff September 30, 2019 The Disney Jewish crime family is at the tip of the spear seeking worldwide depopulation – “DeMolay is the premier youth organization for young…
Jewish Masonic Presidential Candidates 2020 August 31, 2019 Only Jews and Masons are allowed to run for President of the United States – Even Trump is a Mason. However, Masonic Aryans are…
Jew Jeffrey Epstein’s Aryan Girls August 22, 2019 Epstein’s Jewish network of Deep State operatives specifically targeted only underage, underclass Aryan girls to compromise elite politicians and other influential people – The…
Border Wars January 31, 2019 The Neocon Bolsheviks are in the process of flooding the West with migrants to usher in Cultural Marxism, before depopulating the planet – Trotsky would…
Walt Disney Jewish Bloodline December 31, 2018 Most people are unaware that Walt Disney was an elite Jew. Or that his extended Jewish bloodline encompasses possession of esoteric secrets relating to…
Democrat Electronic Vote Rigging November 22, 2018 The electronic voting machine company Diebold openly has ties to Republicans. However, despite that fact, they are secretly working for Democrats rigging election results in…
EU Crypto-Jews September 30, 2018 The European Union (EU) is thoroughly controlled by Masons and Jews, who together, are working to destroy Europe from within its leadership – This article will attempt to…
Jewish Politicos Target Aryan Neighbors for Death November 11, 2017 As of 2017, there exists extensive documented evidence within the official Island County electoral record thoroughly demonstrating (via article below) Jews indeed hold total…
Masonic US Senators 2016 January 31, 2017 As Freemasonry companion to Jewish US Senators 2016, this article posts all non-Jewish US Senators of 2016, or the Masonic side of the Senate….
Vince Foster’s Whitewater Cocaine Overdose December 31, 2016 Ultimately, both Bill and Hillary killed Vince Foster through use of direct undue influence deliberately imposed on him to complete an unfathomable amount of…
Agenda 21: Hillary for NWO October 25, 2016 An Aryan genocide led by Jewish globalist is the very definition of the NWO. Should the collective goyim ever come to realize the fact…
Jewish US Senators 2016 July 31, 2016 In election year 2016, the US Senate houses 50 Jews out of 100 members, with a large portion of the remainder showing Neanderthal traits….
Trump Faction April 28, 2016 There are different factions of Jews who control America. Trump’s NY Jews are outside of the Jewish neoconservative grouping. Trump’s Jews don’t always agree…
Chis Christie Weed Crackdown January 15, 2016 When Chris Christie was asked whether he would enforce the drug laws he responded: “Absolutely, I will crack down and not permit it.” When…
WA Rep. Larry Springer’s Crypto Bastard Child August 4, 2014 Washington State Representative Larry Springer, a Democrat from Kirkland, is a Jew as Jewish as they come. His facial features appear to be just…
Dianne Feinstein Guns-Down Moscone, Milk Using Own .38 Special March 28, 2014 Destruction of the gay political movement in San Francisco was the single motivating factor behind elite Jewish planned killings of Mayor George Moscone and…
Issaquah City Administrator Leon Kos’ Christmas Death Gift: Homebase Uranium Tainted Mirrors December 28, 2013 Nothing says Merry Christmas like the Jewish gift of Death. I have personally known Leon Kos (left) since the age of five, when he first…
Sen. Ted Cruz Related to Jewish Actor Bill Murray October 11, 2013 Believe it or not, Senator Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz and famed actor Bill Murray are very closely related to each other. Undeniably, both have…
Arrogance is Thy Name: KC Prosecutor Satterberg Thumbs Nose at Murdered Children January 22, 2013 SEATTLE, WA — While linking the King County, Washington prosecutor’s website to my latest article, I discovered a sinister web banner featuring prosecutor Dan…
Maleng Murdered: Satterberg, Sherman Rig 2008 KC Prosecutors Race January 20, 2013 SEATTLE, WA — Norm Maleng served as King County prosecutor for 28 years, winning seven elections straight, starting in 1966 up until his death…
Senator Slade Gorton’s Crypto Sister December 28, 2012 Jewish Washington State Senator Slade Gorton (III) descend from a long heritage in the Seafood and fish packing business. In fact, his grandfather, Slade…
Alaska Senator Stevens Assassination was Staged ‘Plane Crash’ October 30, 2012 Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was the longest-serving Republican senator in US history, serving from 1968 until January 2009. Senator Stevens was killed [Assassinated] on…
Issaquah City Administrator Leon Kos Rapes Daughter June 22, 2012 Jewish city of Issaquah administrator Leon Kos (left) outed by his wife for raping their 5-year-old daughter, caused fear and panic to all informed of this…
City of Issaquah Administrator Leon Kos Sits on Pound of Marijuana May 21, 2012 City administrator Leon Kos (left) has worked in “serving the public” for the past thirty-three years as the second highest ranking official in Issaquah…
Jew Leon Kos Threatens Lives of Entire Aryan Family May 8, 2012 City of Issaquah Administrator Leon Kos, an elite Jew, is not who he claims to be in his public persona portrayed by the local…
Kathy & Leon Kos Conspire to Kill Own Aryan Child Doug Ferry March 31, 2012 Whilst living at a University of Washington student housing neighborhood around 1970, my family was introduced to Doug Ferry during the course of my…