In election year 2016, the US Senate houses 50 Jews out of 100 members, with a large portion of the remainder showing Neanderthal traits.
All while Jews claim only 2% of the US population, and count themselves ‘white’ on the US census (so we will never know).
Disproportionately, there are virtually no ‘white’ Aryan (Cro-Magnon) senators (who Jews claim are the majority population by proxy of their 2%) represented accordingly, unless you count Senator Kirsten Gillibrand from New York, Democrat, along with a handful of others (the remaining senators are almost exclusively Neanderthal in-breeds).
And this is the reason why:
“Basically, I estimate that about seventy percent of the present crisis on this planet can be fairly attributed to the machinations of (Jewish) Neanderthal-Semitic elements of the human population against the (Aryan) Cro-Magnon majority of the human population.” – Michael Bradley
The two, are creations of different species as Jack Harper has further documented in the article below:
They Are Not Like Us – by Jack Harper
In recent past, if one expected to get elected to higher office in California, they must first make an impression on Leon Kos’ father (since deceased) and abide to his agenda of killing Aryans… according to John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant.

Under this Sayanim, Aryan killing Jewish vetting process, Jews Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein were all selected to be elected through efforts of Kos’ Jewish fundraising father.
Dianne Feinstein Guns Down Moscone, Milk…
Dixon said Leon Kos currently meets every year in San Francisco with the three senators his father promoted to discuss furthering their plans for an Aryan genocide aka The New World Order.
Currently, nuking Israel with a false flag remains their number one option.
Eugenicide: False Flag Nuking of Israel
Where they plan to retaliate against Aryans worldwide under use of Samson.
Angela Merkel: Hitler’s Niece Facilitates Samson Option against Germany, Europe and Middle East
The Samson option will be deployed against innocent Aryan countries falsely blamed for the destruction of Israel (Iran) as means to exterminate the entire Aryan race from the planet under the guise and cover of WW III.
The Zionist Jews have made it very clear they intend to nuke Europe, Russia and even America should ANYONE nuke Israel.
“We can still remember the smell of Auschwitz and Treblinka, next time we’ll take all of you with us.” – Israeli Official
Merkel TIME Cover Depicts Use of Samson Option
Something they could only do by taking control of government(s) and promoting Zionism.
Jewish and Mason Neanderthals have taken control from within and are out to exterminate the entire Aryan race using lower class Jews as eugenic pawns (as done in WWII) in their quest to become demigods like their god Lucifer.
“One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe.” – Yitzchak Gruenbaum
“Thus, the “creator god,” Zeus (Anu or Yahweh of the Old Testament) wants to keep mankind in bondage to him and his “natural laws” which he has set up, but a rebel figure, Prometheus (Lucifer) befriends man and brings him the means to effect his freedom. That is, the Great Rebel brings man the means to become as one of the gods: “ye shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:5)” – Overlords of Chaos
Should the collective goyim ever come to realize the fact that Sabbataian Jews are a different race (species), it would be overwhelmingly evident it has been them and their lackey Masons all along who throughout history have been on an all out genocidal assault against humanity by means of hunting down the Aryan race.
50 Jewish US Senators Serving Lucifer under the Guise of Representing America in 2016:

A Man for All Seasons