FEMA Camp Democide: Hollow Point Bullet to Back-of-the-Head April 12, 2012 The US Government, through the Department of Homeland Security, has recently purchased 450 million hollow point bullets. The population of America roughly stands at…
Kathy & Leon Kos Conspire to Kill Own Aryan Child Doug Ferry March 31, 2012 Whilst living at a University of Washington student housing neighborhood around 1970, my family was introduced to Doug Ferry during the course of my…
Jews Infect Aryan Girl with HIV/AIDS February 2, 2012 KIRKLAND, WA — According to US Ambassador to the UN John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant…
HUBS: Jewish Information Dissemination Network January 31, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — The secret of Jewish success lies solely in their ability to collude. If people with Down’s syndrome organized and colluded, they too…