One female to male, plus four male to female famed personalities went on to fool the world as secret transsexual celebrities later in life –
Four of these well-known celebrity transsexuals listed below, were delivered male at birth to their elite families, before given hormone replacement therapy and psychological support, most starting when they were very young, by parents who understood gender identity trumps physical features.
Because of this elite approach, they were not sexually stereotyped as children, and thus went on to become famous celebrities who fooled the world regarding their true sexual birth identity.
See if you can recognize them:
1. Jodie Foster
2. Michelle Obama
3. Serena Williams
4. Venus Williams
5. Barry Manilow
Barry Manilow in fact, was given an excessive amount of male hormone when she was very young, to the point she became almost too masculine as an adult.
[vimeo 88910386 w=640 h=360]
Side Note: The CIA Military Industrial Complex controls both Hollywood and the White House; whereby sporting events are also considered entertainment, i.e. weapons of mass distraction.

This information was provided by John Bolton‘s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry.

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