‘Small Town’ Jihads Orchestrated on Rural America July 31, 2023 Democrat Leftists under the Biden regime have been transporting Jihadist and MS-13 Cartels to small towns across America for their impending ‘Revolution.’ Covid was…
Jews Recruit Aryan Soldiers to Fight Suicidal Wars May 31, 2021 Aryan soldiers are being pawned-off on both sides in Jew wars aimed to facilitate their own genocide. For centuries, divide & conquer has been…
The Globalist Are Coming! September 30, 2017 Just as Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense – the alt-media is here to warn patriots of the Nation’s imminent demise unless they awake to…
Agenda 21: Hillary for NWO October 25, 2016 An Aryan genocide led by Jewish globalist is the very definition of the NWO. Should the collective goyim ever come to realize the fact…