Is Covid Vax Race Specific Bioweapon? November 30, 2021 It appears the covid vaccine is disproportionately targeting Aryans for heart attack and death at lighting speed. The big secret behind the mass vaccination…
Nibiru, Lockdowns, Project Blue Beam August 31, 2021 Top level source claims Nibiru exist while the pandemic is fake. By now most everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job designed to destabilize…
COVID: 5G Vaccination Genocide July 31, 2021 Top level source reveals 5G and graphene oxide will lead to worldwide genocide. What currently is taking place with Covid documents how Marxist Jews…
Jewish US Governors 2020 November 30, 2020 Below is a list of Jewish and Masonic Governors running the States – According to John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High…