Mass Shooter False Flag Gun Control March 31, 2021 Bolshevik politicos driving gun control are also often behind the triggermen false flag mass shootings “As above so below” – a key phrase epitomizing…
Merrick Garland Jewish Bloodline Connection to Walt Disney, Theodor Herzl and Adam Schiff February 28, 2021 Mr. false flag (MG) is closely related to Jews Walt Disney, Zionist Theodor Herzl, and Marxist congressman Adam Schiff – All of the same…
America: Civil War Dialectic June 30, 2018 A projection dialectic is being pushed by the left and alt right for Civil War in America. It appears The Powers that Be are…
The Hegelian Dialectic: How Jews Subvert Aryan Philosophy to Manipulate the World March 12, 2013 Jews constantly exploit Hegelian Dialectic’s to manipulate the world. Here’s how it’s done. The Hegelian Dialectic is comprised of three essential factors: Thesis, Antithesis…