Border Wars January 31, 2019 The Neocon Bolsheviks are in the process of flooding the West with migrants to usher in Cultural Marxism, before depopulating the planet – Trotsky would…
The Globalist Are Coming! September 30, 2017 Just as Thomas Paine wrote Common Sense – the alt-media is here to warn patriots of the Nation’s imminent demise unless they awake to…
ANTIFA: Dumb Jewish People February 7, 2017 In 1933, Judea declared war on Bush and Rothschild funded Nazi Germany, headed by Hitler, an Aryan, over Jewish migrant issues. “Jewish leaders formally…
Trump Faction April 28, 2016 There are different factions of Jews who control America. Trump’s NY Jews are outside of the Jewish neoconservative grouping. Trump’s Jews don’t always agree…