In 1933, Judea declared war on Bush and Rothschild funded Nazi Germany, headed by Hitler, an Aryan, over Jewish migrant issues.
“Jewish leaders formally issue a “Declaration of War” against Germany. On March 23, 1933, 20,000 Jews protest at New York’s City Hall. Rallies and boycotts are directed against German goods. The front page of the March 24, London Daily Express carries the headline: Judea Declares War on Germany.”
In 2017, ANTIFA Jews (Judea) declare war on American President Donald Trump, an Aryan, over Muslim migrant issues.
History tends to repeat itself:
Currently, dumb Jewish people, organized through ANTIFA, have declared war on innocent whites by proxy of President Trump’s decision (he openly campaigned on) to temporarily freeze Muslim migration.
ANTIFA is the far-left organization funded by crypto-Nazi globalist George Soros, who is Jewish. His intent is to organize useful idiots (Antifa) into starting riots leading to civil war.

Soros, at fourteen, while wearing a NAZI uniform, knowingly sent countless lower class Jewish women to their death in concentration camps, where they were used as eugenic pawns to start WWII – aimed to undermine Hitler and Germany and kill off the majority of Germany’s Aryan citizens.

Germany Must Perish! is a 104-page book written by Theodore N. Kaufman, which he self-published in 1941 in the United States. The book advocated genocide through the sterilization of all Germans and the territorial dismemberment of Germany – Wikipedia
As above so below:
Elite funded lower class ANTIFA Jews are targeting innocent Trump voters and supporters – particularly blonde Aryans.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x643kcoc8FU&w=560&h=315]
Soros history, per WWII, of targeting ‘inferior Jews’ for a false flag ‘holocaust’ aimed to kill top Aryan Germans en mass – is now funding the same type of resentment (Antifa) that caused Germans to turn on the Jews in the 1930s.
Moreover, Soros fully remains allied with the same group of crypto-Nazi Jews and Masons behind organizing Judea’s war on Germany in 1933. Where Mason Prescott Bush funded Hitler’s removal of its immigrant Jewish population, right before Judea declared war on Germany for the effort, ultimately leading to WWII.
NWO seeks to trade Jewish eugenic false flag ‘holocaust’ for Aryan genocide
Using crypto-Jewish Nazi leadership, infiltrated into the Third Reich, WWII exclusively, was a colluded Jewish globalist premeditated effort.
Jews Himmler, Hess, Eichmann, Gobbles, Heydrich and Mengele, along with other crypto-Jewish Nazis, designed to trade a Jewish eugenic holocaust for Aryan genocide of the Germanic race.

As demonstrated in WWII, Jewish globalist gladly will throw away and discard the eugenic part of their own race as ‘victims’ in order to obtain their worldly goal of Aryan genocide in return.
In fact, the article linked below is the Jews final solution for ending humanity through the Hegelian dialectic false flag nuking of Israel – where they will respond using ‘Samson’ against Aryans worldwide.
Eugenicide: False Flag Nuking of Israel
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xq1-oFjuPeI&w=560&h=315]
By proxy, useful idiot ANTIFA is either stupid as shit or crypto-Jewish Nazis in on it. Either way (probably both), are of ‘inferior’ Jewish heredity to be used as eugenic pawns for the New World Order’s genocidal worldwide war on the Aryan race.
Claiming anti-racist, anti-fascist; these anti-intelligent ANTIFA Jews are aligned with the sickest and most corrupt commie-bitch fascist and jihadist you could ever possibly imagine.
These low IQ cucks are being played like animals ready for slaughter by their Judas goat handles, in attempts to bring down the rest of society, where under the mayhem of civil war, leading to world war, Jews and Masons plan on killing off the entire Aryan race.
Thus, exactly what took place in the Soviet Union under Stalin, where Jewish Bolsheviks used lower class Jews to kill upwards of 90 million innocents, mostly Aryan peasants – the reason for the genocide in the first place – before killing off the ‘useful idiot’ Jewish Red Army.
Jewish subterfuge also was the cause of WWI, where Jewish controlled British Commonwealth countries all conspired against Germany to kill its best Aryan genetics (inteligencia), along with that of Europe – the Jews only real intellectual competition in the world.
In China, Chairman Mao killed the majority of top Chinese Aryans during his reign, when upwards of 80 million Aryan Chinese were killed under the guise that it was all just political.
This action was led by the Jewish Rothschilds, who promised Mao American technology in return, since fulfilled under NAFTA and GATT. The Rothschilds were also the largest financier of the Nazis in WWII, and also funded WWI against Germany, as well as the Bolshevik ‘revolution’ in Russia.
Basically, I estimate that about seventy percent of the present crisis on this planet can be fairly attributed to the machinations of (Jewish) Neanderthal-Semitic elements of the human population against the (Aryan) Cro-Magnon majority of the human population.” – Michael Bradley
The two are creations of different species, as Jack Harper has documented below.
They Are Not Like Us – by Jack Harper
Both Jewish and Masonic genetics consist of Neanderthal genome (Pharaohs), who bred with Lucifer and his fallen angels creating the Nephilim, and together set out to ‘free mankind’ from its slave bondage imposed by the creator god Anu, who favors the Aryan Sumerian race.
“Thus, the “creator god,” Zeus (Anu, or the Yahweh of the Old Testament) wants to keep mankind in bondage to him and his “natural laws” which he has set up, but a rebel figure, Prometheus (Lucifer) befriends man and brings him the means to effect his freedom. That is, the Great Rebel brings man the means to become as one of the gods: “ye shall be as gods” (Gen. 3:5)” – Overlords of Chaos
Aryan genocide led by Jewish globalist is the very definition of the NWO
Should the collective goyim ever come to realize the fact that Sabbatean Jews are a completely different race (species), it would be overwhelmingly evident it has been them and their lackey Mason’s all along, who throughout history have been on an all out genocidal assault against humanity, by means of hunting down the Aryan race.
ANTIFA is controlled by Jewish NAZIS, just like the elite Jews who started and ran the Third Reich from within.
Antifa are ‘Black Shirts’ just like the Jewish ‘Brown Shirts’ of Nazi Germany. Look who funds their sorry ass – the same leftist Jews who funded the Nazis in WWII.

A Man for All Seasons