China Solar Panel Components Vulnerabel to EMP Attack October 31, 2021 Diodes made in China for solar panels are designed to purposely fail under EMP strikes. Chinese made solar panel diodes are intentionally designed to…
Jews Recruit Aryan Soldiers to Fight Suicidal Wars May 31, 2021 Aryan soldiers are being pawned-off on both sides in Jew wars aimed to facilitate their own genocide. For centuries, divide & conquer has been…
Jews Secretly Call Biden ‘White Trash’ April 30, 2021 Behind the scenes Leftist Jews reveal how truly they despise Biden According to John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High School friend and…
Mass Shooter False Flag Gun Control March 31, 2021 Bolshevik politicos driving gun control are also often behind the triggermen false flag mass shootings “As above so below” – a key phrase epitomizing…
Merrick Garland Jewish Bloodline Connection to Walt Disney, Theodor Herzl and Adam Schiff February 28, 2021 Mr. false flag (MG) is closely related to Jews Walt Disney, Zionist Theodor Herzl, and Marxist congressman Adam Schiff – All of the same…
FRONTLINE Exposes Alex Jones COINTELPRO January 31, 2021 FRONTLINE documentary portrays Alex Jones’ alternative news media personality a danger in mission to revoke civil liberties. In the video ‘United States of Conspiracy’…
Coronavirus Depopulation Vaccination Bioweapon March 31, 2020 The arrival of Nibiru activated a bioweapon release and vaccination depopulation ‘CAPS’ program by the Deep State, before mass awakening – Nibiru, the 12th…
John Bolton’s Messianic War on Aryans January 31, 2020 With esoteric, messianic fervor, top level Masons are attempting to usher in the New World Order Messiah Mashiach – John Bolton clandestinely claims he’s…
Disney’s Shifty Adam Schiff September 30, 2019 The Disney Jewish crime family is at the tip of the spear seeking worldwide depopulation – “DeMolay is the premier youth organization for young…
Can Iran Jam US Navy Radar? July 31, 2019 Is the US Navy a “Sitting DUCK” against Iran? Since 1998 Iran, by means of defending itself against the Great Satan (US & Israel),…
Border Wars January 31, 2019 The Neocon Bolsheviks are in the process of flooding the West with migrants to usher in Cultural Marxism, before depopulating the planet – Trotsky would…
Walt Disney Jewish Bloodline December 31, 2018 Most people are unaware that Walt Disney was an elite Jew. Or that his extended Jewish bloodline encompasses possession of esoteric secrets relating to…
FEMA Martial Law Food Weapon June 30, 2017 Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people – Henry Kissinger. The single most significant item in principal demand directly…
ANTIFA: Dumb Jewish People February 7, 2017 In 1933, Judea declared war on Bush and Rothschild funded Nazi Germany, headed by Hitler, an Aryan, over Jewish migrant issues. “Jewish leaders formally…
Masonic US Senators 2016 January 31, 2017 As Freemasonry companion to Jewish US Senators 2016, this article posts all non-Jewish US Senators of 2016, or the Masonic side of the Senate….
Trump Faction April 28, 2016 There are different factions of Jews who control America. Trump’s NY Jews are outside of the Jewish neoconservative grouping. Trump’s Jews don’t always agree…
Newtown’s ‘Fine Homebuilding’ Death Threat Taunton November 30, 2014 By now almost everyone is aware of the sorted history residing in Newtown, Connecticut. According to my source, Newtown is controlled by the top…
Silver is the Achilles’ Heel October 31, 2014 [youtube] An Achilles heel is a deadly weakness in spite of overall strength, which can actually or potentially lead to downfall. While the…
Codeword: Evidence GridEx II is for Nibiru (Ison) November 11, 2013 In the first article on this subject, I revealed how there’s another planet roaming our solar system which returns to orbit around the sun…
Sen. Ted Cruz Related to Jewish Actor Bill Murray October 11, 2013 Believe it or not, Senator Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz and famed actor Bill Murray are very closely related to each other. Undeniably, both have…
Jews Plan on Using 1917 Soviet Blueprint to Depopulate America July 30, 2013 [youtube=] According to US Ambassador to the UN John R Bolton’s first nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply…
The Hegelian Dialectic: How Jews Subvert Aryan Philosophy to Manipulate the World March 12, 2013 Jews constantly exploit Hegelian Dialectic’s to manipulate the world. Here’s how it’s done. The Hegelian Dialectic is comprised of three essential factors: Thesis, Antithesis…
‘Thriller’ Killer: Michael Jackson’s Murder Preempted on Bellevue, WA Court Record in 2007 October 31, 2012 In mid 2007, I appeared before a Judge in a Bellevue, Washington court room of law where I was asked repeated questions about information…
Alaska Senator Stevens Assassination was Staged ‘Plane Crash’ October 30, 2012 Alaska Senator Ted Stevens was the longest-serving Republican senator in US history, serving from 1968 until January 2009. Senator Stevens was killed [Assassinated] on…
Currency Wars: Death to Almighty Dollar October 22, 2012 “The Almighty Dollar” they claim, the one you currently are working ever so securely to hold in your possession is actually nothing other than…
“Jews Your Daddy” Comment Lands Langley Police Officer at Door of Unincorporated Island County Property September 11, 2012 Around the summer of 2002, I was shopping at a Jewish owned and operated grocery store, named the “Star Store” located within City limits…
FEMA Camp Democide: Hollow Point Bullet to Back-of-the-Head April 12, 2012 The US Government, through the Department of Homeland Security, has recently purchased 450 million hollow point bullets. The population of America roughly stands at…
HUBS: Jewish Information Dissemination Network January 31, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — The secret of Jewish success lies solely in their ability to collude. If people with Down’s syndrome organized and colluded, they too…