Jews claim White on US census.
Jews claim Jew after named ‘slang’ by Whites.
Jews statement only requirement needed to claim Jew.
Whites can never claim Jew.
Jews claim White on US census.
Jew on White ‘slang’ hate crimes do not exist.
Black on White ‘slang’ hate crimes do not exist.
White on White ‘slang’ hate crimes do not exist.
Black on Black ‘slang’ hate crimes do not exist.
Jew on Jew ‘slang’ hate crimes do not exist.
Jews claim White on US census.
Whites can never claim Jew.
‘Slangs’ against Jews most often are considered unlawfully derogatory.
No ‘slang’ against Whites is considered unlawfully derogatory.
Jews claim White on US census.
White on Jew hate crime mandates a ten year prison sentence.
Jews cannot do time for hate crimes against Whites, they do not exist.
Jews claim White on US census.
Jews claim ‘minority status.’
Jews real numbers are not known because they claim White on US census.
Jews are at least 30-50 percent of White-skinned population.
Jews claim White on US census.
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