Current Island County Sheriff Mark C Brown has been serving the communities of Whidbey and Camano Island as Sheriff since 2007. I moved to Whidbey Island, located in Island County, in 1999.
I originally obtained a rental property to see if I could handle the commute back and forth from Kirkland, Washington.
In 2000, after a full year of living on Whidbey Island, I decided to purchase a home. I ended up purchasing and remodeling a home on the southern part of the Island, where I have since been living.
Mark C Brown Comes from a wheat ranch in Oregon that has been in his Jewish family for more than 80 years. Brown graduated from University of Oregon in 1970, the very same year my physician father was supposed to start attending Medical School at this very same University, but at the stroke of midnight, changed his mind and transferred to the University of Washington, in Seattle, which may have saved all of our lives, however, my father’s parents and brothers moved to Salem, Oregon.
After graduating as a Duck in 1970, Brown entered and served as a commissioned officer in the US Navy. In June of 1974, Brown became a Washington State Patrol officer serving primarily in Kitsap and Island County for over 30 years.
Both of Brown’s two children, Robbie and Christian, graduated from the University of Washington in Seattle. Robbie is currently serving as an officer in the US Navy working for the Pentagon. Christian is attending Law School at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon.
John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, explained to me in 1998, how Mark C Brown, who is Jewish, would run for Sheriff of Island County if, ever I moved out to Whidbey Island, Washington, located in Island County, in attempts to “set me up for death.”
On August 17th of 2007, while testifying in a Bellevue courtroom of law, I verbally preempted, while being digitally recorded on the record, how Greg T Dixon said I would be specifically targeted by Mark C Brown while being seated in front of pro tem Judge Elizabeth M Asher and a Dixon family prosecutor. Where, I also gave very specific information on how Brown’s Jewish family owns a large farm in Oregon, and how he graduated as a Duck from the University of Oregon.
Information Sheriff Brown was now forced to put up on his online bio after I made these revelations known in 2007. In fact, the first time Brown made this information public was on October 20, 2007, two full months after my testimony, as can be seen here and here.

Dixon explained however, I still have the best chance of staying alive by remaining in western Washington, where I grew up, and where people know me, but only if I move to a smaller western Washington County, namely, Island County, and precisely why I made the move in 1999.
Dixon explicitly warned me nevertheless, of how elite Jews, along with other Jews on Whidbey Island, belonging to Jewish HUBS, all want me and my Aryan family dead… and are actively perusing our deaths. Some of whom, along with members of his own very large Masonic family, will specifically target me for this final death – if I ever moved onto “The Island.”
Dixon said nonetheless, Whidbey Island is still my “best move for staying alive”… in avoiding the more numerous and corrupt King County Jews, who far more easily could hide the psychological pursuit and actual physical murder of my being.
Dixon said the main Jew I need to look out for while on Whidbey Island is “police officer Mark C Brown,” who Dixon said, under the Jewish philosophy of Sayanim, will begrudgingly run for island County Sheriff in effort to set my Aryan ass up for a premature death.
Dixon said Sheriff Brown will make attempts to kill me using a number of colluded Jewish techniques derived from the Jewish Kabbalah, and other Jewish methodologies… yet, none as potent as Jewish Sayanim, however.
And, just as Island County elite Jews have already done to another Aryan man shot to death by the Jewish manipulated and controlled, all Aryan, SWATT team roughly 40 years ago on this very Island.
Even so, Dixon said because Island County is relatively small and unpopulated, I far more readily could “go public” when and if these colluded Jews were to ever make “extreme attempts on my Aryan life”… Jewish death attempts for which would be far more easily hidden in urban densely populated Counties of the State, such as the likes of King County.
Dixon also said his uncle, Kirkland police officer Bauer Dixon, is the largest dealer of Child Porn on the entire west coast, and is dealing to Mark C Brown and others in Island County, including Island Counties top prosecutor, Greg Banks, who is also Jewish, and exactly how they obtained this information.

A Man for All Seasons