Nibiru, Lockdowns, Project Blue Beam August 31, 2021 Top level source claims Nibiru exist while the pandemic is fake. By now most everyone knows 9/11 was an inside job designed to destabilize…
Jewish US Governors 2020 November 30, 2020 Below is a list of Jewish and Masonic Governors running the States – According to John Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High…
Biden, Harris, China, Aryan Genocide October 22, 2020 The Deep State is using democratic patsy political candidates and communist China in attempt to create a New World Order – Joe Biden is…
Coronavirus Depopulation Vaccination Bioweapon March 31, 2020 The arrival of Nibiru activated a bioweapon release and vaccination depopulation ‘CAPS’ program by the Deep State, before mass awakening – Nibiru, the 12th…
End Sign$ November 30, 2015 Dirty crumpled, filthy wrinkled paper currency being circulated by big banks acts as warning sign for elite to ditch the dollar before its demise….
Codeword: Evidence GridEx II is for Nibiru (Ison) November 11, 2013 In the first article on this subject, I revealed how there’s another planet roaming our solar system which returns to orbit around the sun…
Could Nibiru cause Earth and Mars to Flip Orbits? September 27, 2013 Is it possible that on October 1st 2013, earth and mars could flip their respective orbits around the sun? Comet Ison, which is really…