According to Greg Dixon, a top level source closely related to John Bolton, Tara Bullock is infecting people with HIV/AIDS through access to the virus she has caretaking AIDS patients for the state of Washington at her home near the U-district in Seattle, Washington.

Dixon reports Tara Bullock, who is Jewish, originally hails from Whidbey Island, Washington and is part of very influential extended Jewish family directly connected to the prominent Jewish MTV family from New York, who stared Music Television. In fact, Tara Bullock knows Jewish music producer Rick Ruben personally, who has produced music for Island Def Jam Records, located on Whidbey Island.

Tara Bullock, by law, is required to keep secret from the public the fact that she cares for HIV/AIDS patients for the state of Washington at her home in Seattle, thus giving her both access to the virus and full immunity to spread it to unsuspecting targets of her choosing, as my source claims she is doing, without ever being publicly connected to the virus herself.
Including an attempt on ‘Thai Tom’ Dixon reports, who owns a restaurant in the U-district and is fully unaware that when partying at Tara’s home in Seattle, he is surrounded by AIDS patients Tara cannot legally reveal.

Yet Tara Bullock has publicly revealed she knows Chris Smith, who is Jewish, and Dixon reports, among other dealings, is friends of Jewish Red Apple grocery owner Steve Springer, who is closely related to Washington Rep. Larry Springer-D Kirkland.

Rep. Larry Springer is close friends of Walt Disney’s Jewish nephew, Leon Kos, a Washington state politico whom is best friends of Dr. James P Haeg MD.

Leon Kos, who is Jewish, literally grew up at Disneyland while it was being constructed in Anaheim, California, and is also the half-brother of Jewish Washington State Speaker of the House, Frank Chopp (same father, Dixon said). In addition, Leon Kos is also closely related to Jew Merrick Garland, whom was to be appointed to the Supreme Court under a Clinton presidency.

Dr. James P Haeg MD is estimated to have made 50M dollars (in combination with investments) at his medical practice in Bellevue, Washington after graduating from the UW, Harvard, Yale and Dartmouth, where Leon Kos became his best friend and financial advisor.
Dixon said the Springer’s consist of a large Jewish extended inbred family who married into the large extended Jewish Tubs family inbreeds, whom also married into the Aryan Green family Dr. Haeg formerly was an in law of while attending medical school and starting his practice in Bellevue.

In 1987, Jews Leon Kos, Larry Springer and Sandy Tubs all premeditatedly conspired, Dixon explained, to infect Dr Haeg’s 11-year-old Aryan daughter with HIV/ AIDS when they sent Jew Marin Morgan in to rape her while she was home alone, knowing Morgan had contracted and was caring the HIV/AIDS virus before they sent him in.

Months later in 1987, Dixon reports they sent in another Jew related to Martin Morgan named Pat McKowen to rape Dr. Haeg’s daughter as well. However, Dr. Haeg’s daughter told McKowen, “Get out of our house,” before he got the chance.
Years later, around 2005, Pat McKowen sold his home in a Kirkland neighborhood through Dr. Haeg’s ex-wife, who sells realty. The same Pat McKowen who had previously attempted to rape Dr. Haeg’s daughter, was now in a home next door to the girl’s mother that her brother, Bill Green, positioned her into with help from his Jewish wife, Sandy Tubs, just two years prior to the sale.
Dixon said Martin Morgan is also related to at least two Island County residents who are friends with Red Apple owner Steve Springer.

Dixon additionally revealed that around 1971, Martin Morgan murdered a young Aryan boy at the Kingsgate apartments in Kirkland, Washington, where he repeatedly stabbed and twisted a kitchen knife into the torso of his young victim, causing him to bleed out all over the carpet Morgan later used to roll the body up in before dumping it in the units dumpster, where it was subsequently found. However, police covered up the crime knowing full well it was Martin Morgan.
The Jewish owner of the Kingsgate apartment complex, where the boy was murdered, had workers remove the carpet pad to protect Morgan, who is genetically connected to the elite, from implication of the crime. The complex was later sold to Asian investors to protect the original Jewish owner.
Walt Disney’s Jewish nephew, Leon Kos, who had already moved to Seattle to target Dr. Haeg and his Aryan family for genetic dissolution, right after he set up Dr. Haeg’s best friend, Mike Ferry, for death on a mountain climbing accident tied off to a Jew with terminal cancer, ALSO protected Morgan from the crime of murder by having him change his name and enlist in the Navy in California.
Where rumor of the crime spread across the ship like wildfire, leading Morgan to be assaulted by fellow crew members on multiple occasions (for which he later sued and won substantial settlement). Some of the crew even went into port and filed complaints with the local police in California, but the police were told by higher-ups it was all just a ‘Navy gag,’ so the multiple complaints taken were destroyed without any investigation.
Had the complaints been investigated, they would have discovered Martin Morgan changed his name from ‘Sunderland’ to Morgan before entering the Navy, and had been living at the Kingsgate apartments at the time the boy was murdered.
Furthermore, as result of Martin Morgan’s second crime of attempted murder of Dr. Haeg’s daughter via rape with AIDS in 1987, Dixon said Kos had Dr. Haeg targeted by Kirkland police officers at his medical practice in Bellevue to cover up what he, Springer and Tubs had Morgan do to his Aryan daughter.

Dr. Haeg currently remains friends with many of the Kirkland police officers previously sent in by Kos to be patients of his at his medical practice in Bellevue, to cover up the rape of his daughter, all of whom have direct connection, as does Dr. Haeg through his ex-girlfriend Kim Snider (maiden née Moberly), to Kirkland prosecutors Moberly & Roberts, who are covering up the crime against Dr. Haeg’s daughter at the hands of Martin Morgan by going after Dr. Haeg’s son using monstrous lies and subterfuge.

Recently, in late 2015, Red Apple owner Steve Springer cryptically contacted the police from his store in Langley, under a covert Jewish Sayanim practices where no record of the event is available regarding the contact he ultimately made to Kirkland prosecutor Moberly & Roberts, to cover up the rape of Dr. Haeg’s daughter by going after his son over an incident involving an assault psy op set up. In fact, the assault ruse was preempted on the Bellevue court record (per Dixon) documenting exactly how it is full of lies and stratagem to protect Martin Morgan from rape, attempted murder, and murder of a child.
It appears Steve Springer used the same ruse set up from the 1990s, previously engaged with his Jewish friend Chris Smith, to target an employee of his (below) in a similar technique to go after Dr. Haeg’s son in 2015.
A Jewish colluded subterfuge Dr. Haeg’s son specifically preempted on the Bellevue court record (per Dixon) in front of pro tem Judge Elizabeth M Asher, a Dixon family prosecutor, and ‘Tubs’ family in law court reporter, among others, in 2007.
Steve Springer’s Red Apple ‘Cherry Bomb’
According to Dixon, Red Apple owner Steve Springer previously set up one of own employees using Chris Smith’s stepson to throw lit ‘Cherry Bombs’ into his employees open window while Springer had him scheduled working at the Red Apple.
Reportedly, Steve Springer previously had arraigned with the Island Co. Sheriff and Prosecutor at the time to protect Smith and his step son from an attempted arson charge, yet the contents of Springer’s employee’s home were completely destroyed in the Red Apple ‘Cherry Bomb’ subterfuge.
Dixon said Chris Smith and his stepson’s extended family are protected by Jewish politicos governing Island County to commit crimes with immunity in more ways than one and from what I’ve seen–that I can assure you through the nose.
In fact, it was this very revelation of attempted arson made by Springer’s targeted employee to Dr. Haeg’s son at the Red Apple, which in turn facilitated Red Apple owner Steve Springer to report news of this ‘revelation’ to the police without evidence of the report ever being recorded to protect a similar ruse now being used against Dr. Haeg’s son, who was also being targeted for arson by Chris Smith’s step son.
The police then forwarded Springer’s undocumented, inaccessible and undetectable phone call to Kirkland city prosecutors Moberly & Roberts, who went after Dr. Haeg’s son, the recipient of the arson ruse psy op, through disclosure from Steve Springer’s targeted employee’s own mouth, to cover up both the premeditated arson and the attempted murder, for starters, by Kos, Tubs, Rep. Larry Springer and Steve Springer himself, of Dr. Haeg’s daughter via Martin Morgan’s rape and infestation they collectively set up to accomplish in 1987.
‘There’s more than one way to skin a cat’
Dixon said years after Martin Morgan raped and infected Dr. Haeg’s daughter with HIV/AIDS, Martin’s wife Sharon suspected Martin was raping their two children and hired a private investigator to place hidden cameras throughout the home, where Martin was caught on video tape routinely raping and molesting his own children.
Sharon, with help from the P.I., also discovered pictures on Martin’s computer of him raping multiple children, including Dr. Haeg’s daughter, before she attempted to contact Dr. Haeg’s son about these newly discovered revelations.
Unable to reach Dr. Haeg’s son around 1997, Sharon called the back line of the Kirkland police department to report the crimes Martin had committed she held undeniable evidence of, where my sources Uncle, Kirkland crypto-cop Bauer Dixon, answered the phone line.

However, Bauer Dixon talked Sharon out of pressing charges against Martin Morgan, whom he was friends with through his extended Dixon family connections, including through my source, and his nephew, Greg Dixon.
Crypto-cop Bauer Dixon also convinced Sharon to give him all her evidence implicating Martin Morgan, including photos Martin took of himself raping and infecting Dr. Haeg’s daughter with HIV/AIDS in 1987, which were promptly ‘destroyed’ even though Bauer Dixon was a patient of Dr. Haeg’s at his medical practice in Bellevue at the time.
Leon Kos, a licensed attorney who previously sent Martin Morgan into the Navy to cover up his first crime of murdering a young Aryan boy at the Kingsgate apartments, before sending him into rape Dr. Haeg’s daughter and infect her with HIV/AIDS, further sent in three Jewish women to befriend and mind control Sharon, who is unaware her husband has HIV/AIDS, to convince her that pressing charges against her husband for sexual crimes against their children would only destroy all their lives.
Due to Bauer Dixon ‘destroying’ the evidence Sharon turned over of Martin raping their children and others, including Dr. Haeg’s daughter, and in conjunction with the three Jewish women Leon Kos sent in to protect Martin, Sharon decided NOT to press charges against her husband, or peruse locating Dr. Haeg’s son, whom she knew.

Added protection for Martin, included attorney Leon Kos recommending he seek the help of prominent psychologist, Dr. Coppel, who is close friends of perpetrator Jew Sandy Tubs and her Aryan husband Bill Green through a mutual Jewish friend named ‘Gary,’ in Pocatello, Idaho.
This was done by Kos to protect Martin, and appease Sharon, in case she later decided to press charges. Martin was also put on heavy medication to hide the fact that he has HIV/AIDS should he ever be tested for his crimes.

Meanwhile, Gary, who previously attempted to mentor Dr. Haeg’s son through his connection with Tubs family in laws, had planned on recommending a psych-evaul with his good friend Dr. Coppel, to render the only competent witness to Martin Morgan‘s crime of rape and attempted murder, mentally unstable and moot.
Martin Morgan, in 1987, after repeatedly raping Dr. Haeg’s daughter, stabbed Dr. Haeg’s son while he was working for Morgan’s company ‘Coleman Services,’ to cover up his crime by attempting to infect him the virus.

After the assault, Dr. Haeg’s son called 911 in Kirkland to report the crime, but received no response from the Kirkland police. Dixon said Kos, Tubs, and Springer along with Kirkland attorney Jeff Jared all provided Morgan with police immunity for the attempt, along with $3,000 cash to cover up, using Dr. Haeg’s son, what they collectively did to Dr. Haeg’s daughter.
Further explained by Dixon, was how Jews at Bellevue High school later attempted to cover up Martin Morgan raping and infecting Dr. Haeg’s daughter with HIV/AIDS as well, in a ruse whereby black Masons were used in attempt to infect multiple Aryan girls attending Bellevue High school in 1993, after setting them up with racial dates known to have HIV/AIDS as a ‘gag,’ while all the popular Jewish girls they were with had prearranged their dates with black Masons.
Reporter Lori Matsukawa covered up the crime in her report for King 5’s news, owned by Jews, after the parents of the (Aryan) girls being set up found out some of the (Jewish) girls previously knew their black dates ahead of time, and then went to the media and police worried about AIDS.
Dixon said many more Jewish attempts have been made in effort to infect people with HIV/AIDS to cover up Martin Morgan’s multiple crimes against children his wife found documented on his computer, including his own, whom he infected and have since been dating beginning in middle school, it’s reported.
After the Bellevue High school report concerning the AIDS ‘gag’, and in conjunction with Martin Morgan raping her in 1987, Dr. Haeg’s daughter got tested for HIV/AIDS by her private practice physician who was Jewish, and covered up the test results to protect Martin Morgan.
Bellevue High School Jews infect Aryan Students with HIV/AIDS
Jews in the state, providing immunity for Martin Morgan, have repeatedly used the police to target Dr. Haeg’s son on false charges involving Kos, Springer, and other Jewish politicos all connected to each other, to keep Dr. Haeg’s son from filing a lawsuit for 16 of the 20 years since this information became available in 1998. Red Apple owner Steve Springer recently added another delay, with no evidence or redress, to further cover up these crimes against children he is now directly involved.
Green Mind Control Matrix
Frank Green teaches calculus at Salmon High school in Salmon, Idaho. He received his education attending ISU in Pocatello.
Its reported Franks oldest son (and Dr. Haeg’s daughter’s younger cousin) belongs on his mother’s side to a very prominent wealthy German Masonic family mostly from Utah and Idaho named Flandro.
These particular Flandro’s, which Frank married into, are from Pocatello – with extensive widespread family strewn all throughout the Pacific Northwest, Dixon reports, like Sandpoint, Idaho.
Dixon said Frank’s eldest son was diagnosed with HIV by his private practice physician around 1990 – a few years after Martin Morgan raped Dr. Haeg’s daughter and infected her with HIV/AIDS in 1987.

The Masonic Flandro family however, is keeping secret from the Green side of the family this information about their eldest son, Dixon said.
And why no investigation has ever been conducted into how Frank Green’s eldest son acquired HIV.
Dixon said the act of non-disclosure of their eldest son’s condition to the Green side of the family was masterminded by Jew in law Sandy Tubs for use by the Masonic Flandro in laws.
Once again clandestinely impelled by Jew Sandy Tubs to protect Jew Martin Morgan – and precisely why Morgan remains undetected to this very day.

Just as the Masonic Flandro family continues to remain blissfully ignorant to the fact it was actually Bill’s undetected Jewish wife Sandy (née Tubs) along with her Jewish in laws (the Springer’s) and their Jewish friend Leon Kos who together sent in Jew Martin Morgan to rape Dr. Haeg’s Aryan daughter in 1987 – knowing full well Morgan was infected with HIV/AIDS at the time (and in fact, the reason) he was sent in.
In fact, to further cover her tracks, Dixon reports Tubs is claiming that Dr. Haeg’s son is the source of Frank’s eldest son’s HIV, when she knows full-well firsthand she is the one who sent in Martin Morgan to infect Dr. Haeg’s daughter three years prior to Frank’s eldest son’s diagnosis.
Further reports, pointing to this reality, sustained have Frank Green attempting to infect Dr. Haeg’s daughter while using a fish hook to her palm – AFTER his eldest son’s HIV diagnosis in 1990.
It’s asserted Frank was seeking revenge – not knowing Tubs had already attempted to infect her by sending Jew Martin Morgan in to rape her with help and cover from her Jewish cronies Springer and Kos in 1987.
Moreover, reportedly Frank made multiple additional attempts based on Jewish lies by Tubs, this time against Dr. Haeg’s son directly.
The first attempt is reported to have taken place on a Middle Fork River expedition involving deadly hidden land-based quick-sand-style sink holes along the route that are over seven feet deep. Another attempt was while fishing behind Frank’s property in Salmon during sub zero temperatures after making a canoe river crossing onto an ice shelf. Dixon said both times, Dr. Haeg’s son was not supposed to make it home alive –
This is Jewish mind control!
It was Jews Kos and Springer – along with Jew Jeff Jared – who paid Jew Martin Morgan 3,000 dollars in 1987 to stab Dr. Haeg’s son in an attempt to infect him with the disease to cover-up his rape assault against Dr. Haeg’s daughter (an act comparable to Morgan previously stabbing an Aryan child to death at the Kingsgate apartments), Dixon said.
Further evidence exists that, after Dr. Haeg’s son was stabbed by Martin Morgan in 1987, he called the Kirkland police – with no response.
Right after he told Bill Green’s sister, and right before he told Dr. Haeg’s daughter of the stabbing – where thereafter, telling Dr. Haeg himself, twice, of the ‘stalking’ by Morgan towards his daughter.
Photo evidence documents Martin Morgan’s Cadillac (decoy above) and Dr. Haeg’s daughter in 1987, right after Morgan was caught with her home alone – all connected to the LDS Church through Tubs.
To this day LDS Mormon Bill Green refuses to even talk to Dr. Haeg’s son about this issue. In fact, Bill called Tubs’ family relative and Pocatello police officer Pete Boll on Dr. Haeg’s son for even attempting to convey any information about his Jewish wife.
The Haeg’s and the Green’s do not get along. The Green’s have intimidated Dr. Haeg away from his family.
The Green’s are perilous victims of total mind control. While the Jewish Tubs, Springer’s and Kos’ continue staging ‘Fatal Provocations’ against Dr. Haeg’s son.
Dr. Haeg’s daughter’s husband, who is a Freemason, further is helping the aforementioned Jewish collaborators cover up his Aryan wife’s symptoms by putting pharmaceuticals into her food daily, right before she eats her meals, it is reported, by means of help from Jewish doctors who also have provided her husband pharmaceutical immunity for the effort.
Accompanying her physical symptom suppression, mind control repression techniques will also be systematically imposed through her Masonic husband (who is fully aware what Martin Morgan did to her in 1987) through the methodical demonization of Dr. Haeg’s son (and Dr. Haeg himself) to his victimized wife, Dixon informed, to impede communication between Dr. Haeg, his son, and his daughter, from further taking place.
Where later, her husband’s plans are to lose her in the northern Montana ‘Wilderness’ (with hopes she’ll be eaten alive) to avoid any and all conclusions ultimately brought on by Jewish inbred collaborators that would expose Martin Morgan for his crimes of cold blooded murder against multiple Aryan children found documented on his computer.
Moreover, as added mind control measure to further protect Martin Morgan, attorney Leon Kos, tied to Disney, and the police through his job as administrator for the city of Issaquah, along with help from the Kirkland police, have collectively brainwashed Dr. Haeg into undergoing a facial reconstructive plastic surgery, where Dr. Haeg did not know the visual outcome of his face until the after the surgery was complete, before being put-under, to hide the fact his daughter was raped by Martin Morgan with HIV/AIDS in 1987.
Because of this mind control action by Leon Kos and the Kirkland police, Dixon said Dr. Haeg will not be contacting his family after the surgery – why else would you except a new face you did not choose other than to hide it from people you previously knew?
This newly acquired rearrangement also makes Dr. Haeg’s son easy prey for his buddies in the Kirkland police department – to help keep him away from his father to further hide what they did to his daughter.
In 1999, Kirkland police flaunted Dr. Haeg’s new face publicly in front of his son, under a ruse involving Dixon family members, to see if he could publicly recognize his father after his facial reconstructive plastic surgery.
A mind control measure Jews also profit from, again just like before when Martin Morgan was beaten while in the Navy for the rumor he killed a child before receiving substantial settlement with help from Disney relative and attorney Leon Kos.
Where this time however, Kos sets to benefit substantially under arraignments in advising Dr. Haeg on his financial investments – all they need to do first, Dixon said, is kill Dr. Haeg’s son and the mega-inheritance will be theirs.

A Man for All Seasons