Halloween: True Origins of Holliday October 31, 2013 The video below present very near identical information conveyed to me regarding the origins of Halloween I obtained from John R Bolton’s first nephew,…
SNAP: Supplemental NWO Assistance Program October 30, 2013 The acronym sums it up. People are going to snap when they find out their food stamps have been drastically cut back or, when…
911 Insiders’ Guide September 11, 2013 In early 1998, John Bolton’s nephew, Greg Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, explained to me, among many…
Ominous TIME Cover Foretells Obama Assassination May 27, 2013 I cannot express thoroughly enough how the grey border symbolic message conveyed on this cover of Time magazine implicates the planned assassination of president…
Monsanto False Flag: Texas Fertilizer Plant Explosion Foretold in 2007 April 30, 2013 In 1998, John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, explained to me how…
Boston Marathon False Flag Bombing Preempted on Court Record in 2007 April 22, 2013 On August 17th of 2007, I was summoned to appear before a Bellevue, Washington courtroom of law, where I verbally testified before an Aryan…
Angela Merkel: Hitler’s Niece Facilitates Samson Option against Germany, Europe and Middle East March 31, 2013 It’s no secret of Jewish intentions to destroy Germany… for eternity. As Jews have made it very clear they want Germans, particularly Aryan Germans,…
Does Obama’s Exploding Fist Bump Symbolize Israel’s Imminent Destruction? March 7, 2013 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cudnqlYvrEk&w=560&h=315] All warning signs point to Israel being used as a false flag to destroy Europe and the Middle East starting WW…
Moon Landing Faked: Monkey Shriveled January 17, 2013 How is it computer, satellite, rover and space station technologies soar, while NASA‘s “man to the moon” technology sits on its ass? As we…
HAARP Awakening Germany’s Laacher See Super Volcano November 27, 2012 Only twenty minutes outside of Bonn, Germany and just eight miles from the river Rhine lies a small body of water created from a…
HAARP: Hurricane Sandy Aiming for Big Apple’s “Maggots” October 28, 2012 Most people don’t know its elite Jews who named New York City the “Big Apple.” And yet, even more people would never guess as…
Japan’s ‘Mad Scientists’ Foundation of Fukushima Disaster July 22, 2012 From the headline of this article I expect you believe I am referring to the fact that Tepco Electric, who runs Fukushima’s nuclear power…
Issaquah City Administrator Leon Kos Rapes Daughter June 22, 2012 Jewish city of Issaquah administrator Leon Kos (left) outed by his wife for raping their 5-year-old daughter, caused fear and panic to all informed of this…
European Missile Defense System: Truly Offensive May 28, 2012 The European Missile Defense System has got to be one of the most insidious US perpetrated acts of deception ever concealed in the history…
Eugenicide: False Flag Nuking of Israel February 22, 2012 Embedded within the Global Power Elite’s “final solution” passed down from generation to generation with ever increasing evolutionary ferocity, lies a sinister plot that…
Is Obama Going to ‘FAKE ONE’ for Gun Control? January 20, 2012 John R Bolton’s nephew, Greg T Dixon, a Masonic High school friend and informant deeply connected with Freemasonry, explained to me in 1998 how…
GPE False Flag Nuking of DNC: Vaporizing Blacks and Women off Future Presidential Ticket January 13, 2012 Posturing on the apex of the elitist pyramid sits a rogue group of “super-elites” wielding all power throughout the cultural world… a culture they…