Wizard of CHAZ: Emerald City Mayor’s Yellow Brick Road Leads to Depopulation June 30, 2020 Jewish Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan has Deep State bloodline ties to top Satanists pulling levers to destroy America and its patriotic past – Agenda…
Sen Chuck Schumer’s Tranny Wife October 31, 2019 Reportedly, Senator Schumer fell in love with a Jewish transsexual woman named Iris Weinshall, whom he later married. Sen Schumer, the Senate Minority Leader…
Getty Images Owns Largest Legal Collection of Child Pornography February 11, 2019 Seattle based Jews control SINGLE largest collection of legal child porn on the planet – source From the early seventies up until 1993, child…
Bellevue High School Jews Infect Aryan Students with HIV/AIDS June 30, 2016 Jews at Bellevue High School team up with black Masons in Seattle to infect white (mostly Aryan) students with HIV/AIDS. Lori Matsukawa of NBC…
Pedophile Protector: NBC King 5’s Lori Matsukawa May 31, 2016 SEATTLE, WA– Longtime NBC news anchor Lori Matsukawa has been the elites ‘go to’ Mason for covering up child sexual abuses and other heinous…
CBS KIRO 7’s Jesse Jones Linked to Kingsgate Murder October 30, 2015 Top level source reveals notorious local Seattle MSM consumer reporter Jesse Jones is closely related to Jewish Kirkland Council Candidate Martin Morgan, who murdered…
Seattle: News Media Pedophiles September 30, 2015 One of the most coveted secrets elite Jews and Masons have consistently hoodwinked the public into believing is: that they are not pedophiles. The…
NBC King 5 Lesbian Anchor Jean Enersen Warned Not to Take 18-Year-Old Date Out Publicly June 30, 2014 Seattle’s age-old top rated news anchor, Jean Enersen, is also a self-admitted lesbian. In fact, Jean reported this material herself, live on-air, to millions…
CBS KIRO 7: The Steve Raible Skin Cancer Affair June 1, 2014 If you ever happened to had watched the local Seattle CBS affiliate, KIRO 7 evening news, during the mid-1990’s, you would have witnessed Steve…
Evidence Tampering: Attorney Leon Kos Breaks into Home, Steals Wooden Scroll August 31, 2013 About a decade ago, NBC King 5 news anchor Lori Matsukawa reported on how people who possess “wooden scrolls’ with legal documents attached, are…
ABC Komo 4 Ken Schram’s Crypto Scam February 28, 2013 Ken Schram is a local Seattle area reporter best known for hosting, and instilling conflict in, the local-affairs show Town Meeting and Komo 4’s…
ABC KOMO 4’s Joel Moreno Crypto Brother of Dolphin’s QB Dan Marino February 3, 2013 SEATTLE, WA — Dan Marino, ex-quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, apparently has a Crypto brother named Joel Moreno who works as a reporter for…
Arrogance is Thy Name: KC Prosecutor Satterberg Thumbs Nose at Murdered Children January 22, 2013 SEATTLE, WA — While linking the King County, Washington prosecutor’s website to my latest article, I discovered a sinister web banner featuring prosecutor Dan…
Maleng Murdered: Satterberg, Sherman Rig 2008 KC Prosecutors Race January 20, 2013 SEATTLE, WA — Norm Maleng served as King County prosecutor for 28 years, winning seven elections straight, starting in 1966 up until his death…
NBC King 5’s Allen Schauffler Witnesses Live “Child Snuff” to Stiffen Upper-Lip November 29, 2012 SEATTLE, WA – Allen Schauffler, a Jewish top-rated weekend co-anchor currently working for King 5 in the local Seattle news market, was being groomed…
NBC King 5’s Lori Matsukawa: Holding ‘It’ All Together September 22, 2012 SEATTLE, WA – NBC King 5’s Longtime, over worked [Asian], news Anchor Lori Matsukawa is bending over backwards in holding “it” all together –…
NBC King 5’s Lisa Van Cise: Incest Child July 30, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — It’s dreadful enough that the presstitute’s working the Seattle news media are lying propagandists, but far worse now that they aim…
Susan Hutchison Targets Husband for Aryan Genocide April 30, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — CBS Kiro 7’s Susan Hutchison has co-Anchored the local Seattle news channel for many years, up until an employment dispute in…
Kathi Goertzen: Aryan Victim of Jewish Controlled Media April 28, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — Kathi Goertzen’s brain tumor is a type of meningioma, a noncancerous tumor that grows on the brain stem affecting speech and the…
HUBS: Jewish Information Dissemination Network January 31, 2012 SEATTLE, WA — The secret of Jewish success lies solely in their ability to collude. If people with Down’s syndrome organized and colluded, they too…